Make A DIY LEGO Table From A Train Table

Convert Your Train Table into a DIY LEGO table

How To Build A DIY LEGO Tabular array

First published November 2013. Updated 2017.

Petty Brother has recently discovered a dear for LEGO, which has rubbed off on Big Brother too. For his birthday this calendar week, we got Little Blood brother a large set of LEGO (since the ones were mismatched pieces bought at a garage sale the summertime before I started education to use for indoor recess). As role of his gift, nosotros also decided to catechumen the boys' train table into a DIY LEGO tabular array. They don't play with the train table very much, but we weren't ready to part with it entirely. The best part about this upgrade is that the insert sits on top of the table, so it tin exist removed and used equally a railroad train table again whenever nosotros desire!

Imaginarium Train Tabular array

My parents gave the boys their train table for Christmas iv years ago, so they don't sell the verbal table nosotros have whatsoever more than. It is an Imaginarium Train Table (bought at Toys 'R Us) and is very similar to this 1.

We purchased a wooden board at a home improvement store and had them cut if for us, making this a relatively elementary project. If you're looking forsimplya LEGO table, this won't save you very much coin. But if yous want the dual functionality of trains AND LEGOs, this upgrade is definitely worth it! I think we spent well-nigh $lxx total on this project.

DIY LEGO Tabular array Supplies:

  • A piece of MDF or other board cut to the specifications of your tabular array (ours was 1/8″ wainscot mark board and measured 47 one/2″ x 31 1/2″),
  • Grayness 15″ x 15″ LEGO building plates OR  10″ x 10″ LEGO building plates
  • a tarp
  • packing tape
  • high-forcefulness spray adhesive

You'll besides desire some LEGO pieces to help as yous're putting it together.

Instructions for DIY LEGO Table:

 Pace 1. Remove all of the train tracks, buildings, bridges, etc. from your train table. Shop them in a plastic bucket and pull them out whenever your child tires of the LEGO table. Mensurate your table and figure out how many LEGO edifice plates you lot will need. We concluded upward using 7 total because we wanted to cover every inch of our train table.

diy lego table

STEP 2. Purchase and cut your lath to fit the elevation of the railroad train tabular array. Nigh home improvement stores volition cut it to your specifications for you, if you ask nicely. :)

diy lego table

STEP three. Place the board over the top of your train table.

diy lego table

Pace 4. Lay out all of the building plates and start securing them together.

diy lego table

Practice Non put the building plates affluent upward against each other! Otherwise the LEGO pieces themselves volition not adhere at the joints. Instead, y'all'll want to use individual LEGO pieces to bring together ii of the edifice plates together to run into how they will accurately fit together. As yous can see in the film beneath, there is a very modest gap betwixt the pieces.

diy lego table

Stride five. Cutting the LEGO edifice plates, if necessary, to encompass the entire surface of your LEGO table. Believe it or not, regular scissors work but fine!

diy lego table

 Over again, piece the plates together by interlocking the LEGO, especially on the corners.

diy lego table

Pace 6. Employ packing tape to secure the pieces together, too as the LEGO pieces.

diy lego table


Footstep 7.Carefully flip the unabridged piece over (you'll need ii people for this stride).

diy lego table

Stride 8. Grab your adhesive spray. We used 3M Loftier-Strength 90 Spray Adhesive. And then lay down a tarp or sheet and spray the entire backside of your LEGO lath.

diy lego table

diy lego table

STEP 9. Spray the unabridged surface of your MDF lath as well. Permit the adhesive sit until it is tacky, according to the directions on the bottle.


Step x.Very advisedlylift the LEGO piece and place on pinnacle of your MDF lath. Use a rolling pivot to press the board against the lath and secure the adhesive.


Step 11. Let the table sit for a couple hours before attempting to use information technology, to allow the gum to dry out.


And at present the fun role… time to play LEGO!

Until now, I had no thought that LEGO Duplos will fit on top of the regular LEGO edifice plates! Awesome!



This is my favorite feature…just clear off all the actress LEGOs into the drawer!

Do you lot take a train table you could plough into a DIY LEGO table with storage?

Click here for more fun LEGO ideas:

LEGO Duplo Shape Sorter

Fun LEGO Fishing Activeness for Kids

The All-time LEGO Gift Ideas

LEGO Printables for Colors and Patterns

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