James Bond 007 Everything or Nothing Xbox Box Art

  • Publisher: EA Games
  • Release Date: February 17, 2004
  • Also On: PlayStation two

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By and large favorable reviews - based on 30 Ratings

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  1. I Love this game! It's the best James Bail game ever (Yes, even better than Goldeneye) Its also one of my favourite games and information technology has an excellent campaign and co-op mode!

    • All this user'due south reviews
  2. It is has great multiplayer action with a new cooperative fashion witch is amazing but lacks on the arena matches although the unmarried player is existent intense stuff and has loads of stuff to unlock.

  3. This is a pretty disappointing game, lackluster graphics, and an control scheme that doesnt conform the game. Some bits make you lot think the game is cool, but they are short lived. It tries to be splinter cell only fails in everyway. Stop story, is information technology enjoyable? I take to say no.

  4. Most levels are challenging forth with using you bail sense makes for an interesting playing experience.

  5. The 3rd person view is well washed, but I prefer 1st person perspective myself. With that said, EON imo is better than every splinter cell and metal gear solid game. 2 things disappointed me - the multiplayer, and the aiming. Most everything else is outstanding.

  6. People need to get over the whole nostalgia thing and stop comparing this to Goldeneye. EA Games also realized this, and decided to try something dissimilar rather than making another failed try at recreating the 'feel' of Goldeneye. The 3rd person view works really well. It really feels like your in a bail picture and to me, It's ameliorate than watching the more recent Bond People need to go over the whole nostalgia thing and end comparison this to Goldeneye. EA Games as well realized this, and decided to try something different rather than making another failed attempt at recreating the 'feel' of Goldeneye. The 3rd person view works actually well. It really feels similar your in a bond picture and to me, Information technology's meliorate than watching the more than recent Bond films. The aiming does have a niggling time to become used to, but once you lot get the hang of information technology, it works bully. Another matter, if you have the setup, this game is amazing when you play on a 42" or higher HDTV with a pumping Dolby 5.1 System, it actually immerses you in the game. Going from a stealthy tranquillity level, to a driving or flight level (Both the driving and flight are well washed) with explosing coming from all around, while your controlling the action.... it actually puts y'all in 007's shoes. I gave this game a nine nonetheless, because I plant myself a little frustrated trying to find out where I am supposed to go on sure levels. But and so I learned to employ the 'Bond Sense' feature and I just needed to use a nifty Q Gadget or something, and so not a big deal. Aggrandize

  7. I think this game is pathetic. when i played in co-op i thought information technology would be great. but i was wrong, it is not the way a bond game should be and the 3rd person view adds to the failure of the game itself.

  8. The graphics are great the third person was slightly disapointing, simply equally as good equally predicted and the range of vehicles was amazing (seven). 1 flaw.... not enough weapons.Expert gadgets!

  9. This game is frustratingly addictive. The plus side is that the overall presentation is extremely well done. I love the way they made information technology experience more like an interactive flick than just another shooter. The down side is the F**king targeting, which takes likewise long to get utilize to. Merely no matter how pissed i got at the controls, i couldn't end playing.

  10. Its well-nigh time Bond is in tertiary-person.

  11. Yeah...looks pretty. however, you lot're not allowed to capsize your aiming. You tin can capsize the camera control...merely not the aiming. it makes the combat VERY frustrating.

  12. Finally a James Bond game that is meliorate than Goldeneye! EA Rules with this title!

  13. Hey K, your a geek, shut up, this game rules!

  14. I have to acknowledge, I take merely played a few levels of this game. However, I think information technology is another classic instance of a game being a victim of information technology's ain hype. To compare this gane to Goldeneye is a piffling unfair. You have to call back that despite the limitations of the N64, the quality of the gameplay and level pattern are phenomenal. I would debate that the game is still holding its own I take to admit, I have only played a few levels of this game. However, I think information technology is another archetype example of a game being a victim of it's own hype. To compare this gane to Goldeneye is a petty unfair. You lot accept to remember that despite the limitations of the N64, the quality of the gameplay and level design are phenomenal. I would contend that the game is still holding its ain today. EA is an enormous company and probably the biggest contender in the gamesmarket. Naturally, their games look the concern but if you remove your rose tinted spectacles, yous will see the flaws. EA has not learnt from its mistakes and they continue to make them. The problem is, players are so mesmarised by the graphics and visual beauty of the game, that they are very forgiving. I would argue that they should non be. The driving levels I accept seen are appalling. The rendering of the vehicles is not up to much. The manner that the enemy relentlessly attacks and careers into your vehicle borders on the insane. Furthermore, the helicopter level was shocking. Moving a polished helicopter in a seriously restricted environment shortly wears thin. The boxing with Jaws on the train was mudane in the extreme. The character performing the same activeness over and again was easily dealt with a few blows in the breast whereupon he was sent flying helplessly into an electric accuse. Nice effects only that is about all. Every bit I accept said, I take not played the entire game only my instinct tells me that this is not one to play once again. In that location is no comparison to, say, Splinter Cell so i call up that the high scores awarded by some of the reviewers are grossly unfounded. I recall that it is wrong that giants like EA boss the market. I discover it a little sinister to see that every event of an EA game sports a 9/x sticker on PS2 (what's going on here?). The game buying public should be more discerning, should they non? There are far superior games in product (Splinter Prison cell 2, Commuter three, Half-Life 2 to name but a few) and I recall we should all be more selective. My advice, and you lot can take it or get out information technology, is to leave Everything behind and lose Goose egg. You might remember this is harsh but think about the coin you are spending before throwing it at games giants like EA. Expand

  15. Its a very flashy game,,and the story is addictive, I played it out just to find out what happens..what can I say I'one thousand a Bail fanatic,,,but that being said..this game is not that great. All the different things u tin do are not bad, only the controls for information technology are horrid, and the auto aiming sucks, there can be a guy right in front of y'all merely information technology'll aim at the guy at the very back of the Its a very flashy game,,and the story is addictive, I played information technology out just to find out what happens..what can I say I'thou a Bail fanatic,,,but that being said..this game is not that great. All the different things u can practice are corking, but the controls for information technology are horrid, and the auto aiming sucks, there can exist a guy right in front of yous but it'll aim at the guy at the very back of the room backside the crate. The controls will frustrate you to no cease! Its an ok pick up, just I'd similar to slap the people who are saying this game is amend than Goldeneye, now that was a swell game. Expand

  16. I was very excited to pick up the game and judging from the reviews I read it seemed like a safety bet. After the first few levels, I began to detect a lack of quality under the hood, but I was still having some fun playing so I pressed on. After a few driving missions the game lost all of its luster. The controls were absolutely horrible. The environments and effects wait pretty, just in I was very excited to pick up the game and judging from the reviews I read it seemed like a safe bet. Afterward the first few levels, I began to notice a lack of quality nether the hood, simply I was yet having some fun playing so I pressed on. After a few driving missions the game lost all of its luster. The controls were absolutely horrible. The environments and furnishings look pretty, but in many of the driving missions you spend your time looking at the map overlay instead of the road and so it's a lot of wasted art. And so many of the driving experiences devolve into map-watching and careening into one wall and then some other. Finishing each driving portion was a relief because it meant I could get back to the shooting action, which is, for the most part, pretty well done (except when y'all become jacked past some enemies who come from backside in an area you've already cleared). But after my third attempt on the driving mission where you lot go from your sportscar to a commitment van to the sportscar again to chase down some bad guy in a limo, I realized I wasn't having whatever fun at all and decided it would exist better to non bailiwick myself to anything that causes this much frustration. Perhaps I tin find someone with an Xbox and a lot of patience to give it to. Expand

  17. This is a shooting game with a useless targeting controller. That's the equivalent of making a driving game that tin't bulldoze. Frustrating, especially for a Bond fan. I loved Nightfire and the switch to 3rd person was beautifully done but pointless if you can't aim. Ever see Bond in a Bail flick miss a guy at betoken blank range?

  18. I love it, merely one flaw........Express ARRAY OF WEAPONS!!! Remember goldeneye? similar 30 weapons!

  19. Been watching this game develope since August of last yr! About time, and cannot wait to play! A+

  20. Shut up johnny I agree with K and I don't think the 3rd person works. It'due south a decent 3rd person game, but its not a Bond game. And the aiming is crap.

  21. Whats with all the hate for this game?! I Remember its vivid, especially the co-op mode.The single histrion entrada is the best out off all of the games, and thursday superb vocalism acting adds even more,

    • All this user'due south reviews
  22. Everything or Nix is one of those mixed bag games. There's a lot to love about it & a lot to hate too. The game plays differently to previous 007 games and EA have chosen to go with a 3rd person perspective instead. this is where the game fails, I'm a large fan of third person shooters and adopt it over 1st person a lot of the time. This is not one of those times.

    The shooting

    Everything or Null is 1 of those mixed bag games. At that place's a lot to honey about information technology & a lot to hate besides. The game plays differently to previous 007 games and EA take chosen to go with a 3rd person perspective instead. this is where the game fails, I'yard a big fan of tertiary person shooters and adopt it over 1st person a lot of the time. This is not one of those times.

    The shooting sections are where my biggest issues are, the shooting is all done by locking on with left trigger, no manual targeting hither, just lock on & shoot. this gets old actually quick and you notice yourself simply running & gunningto the end. This negates any need for whatsoever of the gadgets and that just feels wasted to me.

    The driving sections nevertheless are still as awesome equally before. full of activeness & fix pieces to rival the films perfectly. albeit a bit clunky to ride, the motorcycle sections are some of the best bits in the game and need to be experienced.

    some other big outcome is the length of the game, at that place are 27 missions in all and it feels a bit besides long. they're varied enough to keep you playing, but I struggled with some of the shooting levels because they're just and then wearisome.

    This isn't a bad game overall, and if you lot can discover information technology cheap enough it's worth a buy, It'south merely that there are better Bond games out at that place. Dorsum in 2003 I remember this game being amazing, just sadly it's not aged well in places and I feel my nostalgia goggles might have fallen off for this one.


    • All this user'south reviews


Source: https://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox/james-bond-007-everything-or-nothing/user-reviews

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