Is Ground Beef Safe for a Soft Diet

Why prepare hamburger and rice for dogs? Well, if you've ever been sick on your stomach, you know that feeling when you are starving, and at the same time, you can't stand even the thought of food.

The same is with dogs. When a dog is sick, the last thing on his mind are dog treats. He needs something that will not cause more stomach ache, more vomiting, or more diarrhea. Something that is easily digestible and nutritive at the same time.

Well, that is the combination of hamburger and rice. It is something like good chicken soup when you feel sick… just the dog equivalent. Mmmm, it tastes good, and it calms the stomach. Such a relief, and instantly feeling better.

If you notice that your dog is not feeling well, the first thing to do is make an appointment at the veterinary office. If some digestive issues occur, then a hamburger and rice diet is the first step in treatment. Their curative effect will make your dog playful and happy again, which means you will be happy, too.

Nutritive Benefits Of Hamburger And Rice For Dogs

patty and rice

Ground beef and white or brown rice are some basic ingredients. They are neutral and rich with nutrients, which is a reason that dog owners willingly choose them.

Ground beef secures daily protein intake, while rice is a fine source of carbohydrates for a whole day of energy supply.

There are numerous ways to combine these two ingredients in homemade recipes. In most cases, there will be no allergic reaction or stomachache.

Of course, it is always good to consult a vet just to be sure.

Balanced And Nutritious Diet

Every kibble should contain nutritionally-balanced ingredients in order to maintain your best friend's health. Whether it is dry dog food or raw meat you are feeding your dog, the optimal ratio of nutrients is a must.

When purchasing dog food, always read the declarations. Canned food is often richer with nutrients, but brands usually accentuate the nutritive food content on the back of their products.

Every dog needs calories for proper functioning. Every healthy dog meal should contain at least 30 grams of protein, which is sufficient for 25% of protein calorie intake. 10% of daily calorie intake should come from fat.

Dogs should not eat more than 50 grams of carbohydrates in one day. Less can lead to malnutrition, while more can lead to obesity. Disbalanced diets also make dogs sick, and they usually cause a lot of problems with their digestive tract.

Hamburgers made of ground beef contain significant amounts of protein. This protein is of animal origin, which means it has a strong, positive impact on health.

Rice is rich with vitamin B. B6 (or pyridoxine) helps convert carbs into glucose and proteins from amino acids. B1 is thiamine, B3 is niacin, and B5 is pantothenic acid, and those vitamins are crucial for the nervous system. B12 (or riboflavin) helps red blood cells to be produced.

Meat is rich in iron, which is crucial in blood cell functioning. Zinc is important in skin health, connective tissues, and the immune system.

Omega 3 and omega 6 are important for healthy hair.

Impact On The Digestive System

Simple rice and hamburger is a good-to-go dish when your dog is having problems with digestion. This meal calms down an upset stomach and helps stop diarrhea, while at the same time, it provides the dog with all the necessary nutrients.

It is best to cook this combination together for the most effect. This blended diet helps a dog ease the pain and get back lost energy.

It is also a good choice if the dog has a sensitive stomach without acute symptoms, such as diarrhea or vomiting. This meal is easy to digest, and it will not cause a loose stool.

Homemade Dog Food Recipes

woman cooking

Homemade food is an excellent choice for you and your dog. When you prepare a meal at home, you are sure that all the ingredients are healthy and nutritionally balanced.

Most recipes are easy to prepare, and the ingredients are not so expensive and are available in your local grocery store.

Here are two easy recipes for you to try out.

Hamburger And Rice Recipe


• 4 cups of water

• 1/2 pound of ground beef or hamburger meat

• 1/2 cup of rice

• 1/2 cup of vegetables (spinach, carrots, sweet potato, mangold)

• 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil


The first step is to prepare a wide frying pan. Fill the pan with water. Add raw meat and raw, uncooked rice that is in the recipe. Brown rice is recommended because it has a higher nutritive value than white rice.

Chop previously prepared vegetables into smaller pieces and mix them together. It is good to mix various types of veggies in order to add nutritional value to the meal.

Vegetables such as spinach, carrots, sweet potato, or mangold are preferable. However, try to avoid green beans and broccoli. Those viands can upset the tummy of your dog, which can manifest in gas. That is not very pleasant for you or for him.

Add the vegetable mix to the rest of the ingredients in a pan. The last ingredient is vegetable oil. Put in a full teaspoon. Now, light the stove and cook the mixture until it boils. Continue to boil it to the point where the meal is completely cooked.

When the meal is properly cooked, turn off the heat and put the pan on a cold surface to cool down. If there is any remaining liquid, remove it. When the meal has cooled down, you can serve it. The rest can be kept in the fridge for a few days.

Ground Beef And Rice Recipe


• 1 pound of ground beef (or any kind of dark meat)

• 1 cup of rice

• 1/2 cup of mixed vegetables

• 2 eggs

• 2 spoons of cottage cheese

• 1 teaspoon of salt


First, you cook the rice as it is recommended on its package. Steam vegetables in a separate pot. In the other pot, put ground beef and a little amount of water (two tablespoons). Light the stove.

When the meat is nearly done, add salt and stir it. Mix the rice with the eggs and the cottage cheese. Add this mixture in the pot with the meat. Then, add vegetables and stir everything together.

All of this is put in a blender and mixed together. Separate the mixture into smaller portions and freeze them for future use.

Frequently Asked Questions

woman feeding dog with rice

Is It Safe For My Dog To Eat Hamburger And Rice?

The short answer is YES! It is safe for your dog to eat hamburger and rice. Hamburger meat combined with the right amount of rice has nutritive value and calories, while at the same time, it is easily digestive.

If your dog has a stomach ache or diarrhea or some other digestive health issues, it is recommended to feed him this combination.

A meal should be boiled before served. By preparing hamburger and rice for dogs in this manner, as a bland diet, you will be sure it will not fall hard on his stomach while the intake of sufficient calories will remain intact.

The meat should not contain any seasoning or salt. Non-processed meat is the best option.

How Much Is A Serving Size Of Hamburger And Rice For My Dog?

The optimal amount of hamburger and rice for dogs should be one and a half pounds of meat, and half a cup of rice per portion. Considering the nutritive value, brown rice is a better choice than white rice.

One portion should be served for one meal; for example, dinner. A very good option is also lean ground beef. A fully balanced meal also includes the optimal amount of water for better digestion. Three cups of water should be enough.

How Long Can Dogs Eat Hamburger And Rice?

When a dog gets sick with a stomach ache, it is time to change the dog's diet in order to help him get better. This usually takes a few days. Cooked rice and cooked meat have the effect of calming the stomach.

Dogs should be on a hamburger and rice diet up to seven days a week. As soon as he gets better, it is time to start feeding him pet food again as part of a regular food diet.

What Are The Bad Things About Feeding My Dog Hamburger And Rice?

dog eating from bowl

Generally speaking, both hamburger meat and rice are high-quality viands with big nutritive values. But, you should be careful because there are several risks included.

Feeding your pooch only hamburger and rice can not provide him with all the nutrients he needs for healthy growth.

Even though it is rich in proteins and fat, hamburger meat does not have all the essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.

The same is with rice. It is rich in carbs, but lacks some nutritive substances. When the nutritional value is low, possible health problems can arise.

An imbalanced nutrition intake causes an imbalanced amino acid intake, which can result in multiple outcomes. An imbalanced intake of amino acids produces toxins in organisms. These affect growth disorders and changes in the central nervous system. That is why feeding a puppy only hamburger and rice is not the best idea.

Malnutrition can lead to prone skin and hair, and the susceptibility to infections.

Ground meat, which hamburgers are made of, is easily perishable, and it should be stored properly. Otherwise, it could get infected with all kinds of harmful bacteria.

There are a few obvious reasons that may cause harm. Choking can be lethal – overfeeding can lead to obesity, which can lead to additional health issues – dehydration can lead to dehydration.

Can I Feed My Dog Ground Beef And Rice Everyday?

The short and straight answer is YES! You can feed your dog ground beef and rice everyday. But, hey! Would you be happy eating the same meal everyday for the rest of your life? Probably not.

Not only is it not recommended to eat a narrow span of viands, it is also boring, to be honest. Once in a while, we want to change our menu a bit not only for humans, but also for dogs.

But, if you (for some reason) want your dog to eat ground beef and rice everyday, make sure to add something more.

His diet should include the optimal amount of carbohydrates, calories, potassium, omega acids, calcium, vitamins such as vitamin A, phosphorus, and other ingredients that help your dog stay healthy.

Ground beef is great because meat, in general, is an awesome protein source and mineral as well. Any meat combination will do – ground beef, ground turkey, ground chicken, chicken breasts, or pork.

All these ingredients are essential for building muscles and having healthy joints, hair, teeth, skin, and overall health.

What Is The Difference Between Hamburger And Ground Beef?

Some say that ground beef and hamburger are the same thing with different names. Well, in essence, they practically are the same, but there are a few technical differences.

Besides the name, there is a semantic difference. Hamburger is a dish made of ground beef. There are sometimes other variants of hamburgers; for example, hamburgers for vegetarians and vegans made of soy. On the other hand, there is no possible way you can make beef out of soy.

In most cases, hamburgers contain only beef. Sometimes, one can add some other meat like pork, or make a hamburger out of ground chicken. But, the question is whether we can call that sort of dish a hamburger.

Another difference lies in the quantity of contained fat. Ground beef contains meat from skeletal muscles that does not have any fat. On the other hand, hamburgers can contain fat. Up to 30% of fat is allowed. The optimal ratio is 80% meat, with 20% of fat. Lean beef contains less than 10% of fat.

Ground meat is very sensitive to bacteria, and it can cause an upset tummy if it is not stored properly. If you are about to use it the same day or tomorrow, you can store it in the refrigerator at 40° Fahrenheit. If you do not have the intention of using it any time soon, then it is best to freeze it. This way, you will protect your dog from diseases.


cute dog eating from bowl

I hope we have helped you solve the dilemma as to why to prepare hamburger and rice for dogs. There are so many benefits of this diet, especially if your pooch is having tummy troubles. Then, this diet is a must.

Having a sick dog is stressful by itself, so we wanted to ease hard times by presenting you with two easy recipes that you can make in no time. They are quick, cheap, and have easily purchased ingredients – and above all, they are very beneficial to your puppy's health.

Even though cooked ground beef in combination with rice is a very nutritious meal that is rich with proteins, carbs, fat, and other nutrients, you should not go over the top with it.

An everyday diet should be colorful. This means it should contain proper dog food, with a variety of vegetables, eggs, and dairy products such as cheese and yogurt to be sure your best pal is having it all.

Remember – when it comes to food, balance is key. Thank you for reading. Good luck, and take care!

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