Mass Effect's Legendary Edition, a remastered version of Bioware's science fiction trilogy, debuted on 14 May 2021. As players all over the world got their hands on a copy, the gaming community bubbled with excitement. Screenshots of new Shepard characters and the gorgeous graphics on Mass Effect's diverse set of planets enveloped the internet.

New players who have used the rerelease as an excuse to finally try the games have come together in harmony with the veteran Mass Effect players who are eager to return. Whichever category you fall into, these are a few things that fans should be aware of before they jump into the Legendary Edition.

Updated March 17, 2022 by Belle Huston: Now that Mass Effect: Legendary Edition has been out for a while, we've updated this guide with a few clarifications and extra tips!

12 Legendary Mode Has A Level Cap - But It Doesn't Really Matter

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Gameplay Screenshot Female Shepard In Combat With Miranda And Liara

When players start up a game of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, they have to choose between playing on 'Classic Mode' or 'Legendary Mode.' The mode can be altered later but it's worth making an informed decision about it the first time around in order to avoid the hassle later on.

Players that choose the 'Classic Mode' will have an experience similar to the original games where they can reach level 60. 'Legendary Mode' caps out at a paltry level 30.

However, almost everything remains the same no matter which you pick. Players get the same experience, the same number of talent points, and the same ability to reach the level cap in one playthrough. It's all balanced. There's no need to stress too much about it.

11 Be A Completionist... Or Face The Consequences

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Screenshot Of Shepard Give Kenn Credits

The thing about Mass Effect is that your decisions - the number of quests you decide to complete, you who become friends with, and more - will have a big impact on the actual story of the game. This is a bit ironic, since the ending of Mass Effect 3 was critiqued for exactly the opposite.

Make sure you...

  • Talk to your teammates on the Normandy all the time, but especially after completing every main mission.
  • Upgrade the Normandy whenever possible.
  • Complete your teammates' personal quests.
  • Talk to NPCs. And listen.
  • Choose your squad for essential missions very carefully.

It's less important in Mass Effect 1 to get everything right, but it's particularly crucial in the later games.

10 Don't Let The Game Bugs Bite

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Image Of Shepard and Kaidan Standing Side By Side, Bug Causing Kaidan's Gun To Disapear

While the Mass Effect trilogy's remaster hasn't been as bad as Mass Effect: Andromeda (at the time of this writing, at least), it has still come with its fair share of bugs. Fans on Reddit took no time at all to post gifs and short videos of these (often hilarious) problems.

Some of the bugs even existed in the original Mass Effect releases. While they can be harmless, these bugs have caused a number of players' Xboxes to crash. It's definitely disappointing to see such serious issues from a triple-A release (especially given Bioware's recent history).

9 Playing As A Soldier Isn't Worth It

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Profile Reconstruction Menu, Male Shepard On Right, Text On Left

This tip is especially for players who are starting to play Mass Effect for the first time but also applies to fans who may have stuck to the Soldier class throughout their first playthroughs. Most fans agree that playing as a soldier is the most boring experience that players can create for themselves in Mass Effect.

There's no problem with any of the other classes - including the ones that have a partial focus on combat. However, the soldier class is exclusively focused on combat. By choosing it, players lose out on becoming part of the world in a big way -- whether that's through biotics or tech skills.

8 It Comes With A Photo Mode

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Gameplay Screenshot Of Photo Mode, Screen In Black And White, Garrus Walking Beside The Mako

It was confirmed on Twitter in April that Mass Effect: Legendary Edition would be released with a photo mode. While some fans are itching to get their hands on it, others may have forgotten about this detail.

Of course, it only makes sense to include photo modes in pretty games. Players are more likely to enjoy the graphics that the team worked hard on and they take gorgeous pictures and post them online as free marketing. Take advantage of this from the beginning so you won't be kicking yourself for missing out on a gorgeous setting or perfect shot.

7 It Eats Up A Lot Of Space On Your PC Or Console

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Female Shepard Holding Omni Tool

Before dumping some spare cash into this remaster, fans had better check that they have the storage space for it. The download is huge since it includes three games, all the DLC, and gorgeous updated graphics to boot. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition size actually changes depending on the console.

For Xbox players, it's 84.3 GB, for PlayStation, it's 68-87 GB plus a 12 GB patch, and for PC, it takes up a whopping 120 GB. Again, it is three games plus lots of DLC, but the size requirements may be a bridge too far for some players new to the series.

6 The FOV (Field Of View)

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Gameplay Screenshot Shepard on a Green Planet

For many video game players, a low field of vision (FOV) induces nausea. Unfortunately, game developers haven't seemed to catch on yet as both Mass Effect: Legendary Edition and Resident Evil Village launched without a FOV slider.

Thankfully, some players have taken to fix it themselves - but they really shouldn't have to. At least highly sensitive players will still be able to enjoy the games while fans beg Bioware to release a patch that fixes this error in judgement.

5 Pick Paragon Or Renegade Early - And Stick With It!

Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Screenshot Of Renegade Shepard Pointing Gun

Something unique about Mass Effect is that the morality system - Paragon (good) and Renegade (bad) - is tied to your ability to manipulate NPCs. The Charm skill is connected to your Paragon stat, and the Intimidate skill is connected to your Renegade stat. You can't level up these skills independently.

Plenty of people are annoyed by this, but it's a fact of the franchise that you'll just have to put up with, unfortunately. That's why it's important to decide whether you want to play as a Paragon or Renegade Shepard early - if you don't invest enough points into either one, by the end of the game(s) you'll start encountering Charm and Intimidate checks that you can't pass.

4 The Lack Of Accessibility Features

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Gameplay Screenshot Of Male Shepard Standing On The Normandy Bridge Looking At The Galaxy Map

Unfortunately, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is no more than a remaster of the trilogy. Fans who may have been hoping for new accessibility options will be disappointed. The developers would likely have said that adding these features would have required a remake, which is very different.

Commentators are rightfully upset that the game could include a photo mode, but no adjustments for accessibility (like a FOV slider). Unfortunately, it all comes down to the profit margins: a remake, which could have edited the game for accessibility purposes, just would have cost more.

3 Multiplayer Is Way Less Important Now

mass effect 3 multiplayer

Fans of Mass Effect who have been around since the days of Mass Effect 3 will remember the 'Galactic Readiness' meter with disgust. It was an in-game counter that determined how prepared Shepard was to take on the final battle against the Reapers.

Unfortunately, in order to get some of the better endings, exceedingly high 'Galactic Readiness' scores were required - which meant being an active participant in multiplayer matches to earn extra points. Thankfully, now the player's progress in the first two games will contribute to their Galactic Readiness instead.

2 Mass Effect 1 Won't Be Such A Slog

Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Shepard (Male) Hiding Behind Cover

Some fans may have been looking forward to the remastered trilogy -- even while they were dreading the thought of getting through Mass Effect 1 again. While that game's story was superb, the combat was severely lacking.

It was updated in Mass Effect 2 and 3, which made going back to replay the first game a real pain. Thankfully, Bioware took this into consideration as Mass Effect 1 has been updated to the standards of the other two games, with better aim assist and precision, adjusted weapon sway, and more.

1 You Should Read Revelation

Mass Effect Revelation Saren and Sovereign

Players who are replaying Mass Effect, not trying it out for the first time, should consider reading the novel Mass Effect: Revelation before they begin the remasters. This book provides backstory about lots of characters you interact with in the games -- especially the primary antagonist: Saren.

It's undoubtedly a way to make this experience unique, special, and even more memorable, by combining the updated graphics with updated knowledge of the world and its nuances that are too complicated to include in-game.

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